The history of the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture begins in the distant 1934. It was one of the first research institutions of Kazakhstan, designed to solve a number of current cultural and political problems which the country has faced in years. During its history the Institute has gone through different periods: rapid flowering, when its walls worked great scientists (SARS Amanzholov Ahmet Baitursynov, Sanjar Asfendiyarov), difficult stages of reorganization and Research, Search, a new impulse associated with Kazakhstan's independence.
In Kazakhstan in the 30s began the organization of research institutions, these were the years of research and higher education in Alma-Ata, only recently transferred to the rank of capital of the Republic (1929). For fast and intensive development of this process in April 1930, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the first Regional Studies Research Congress. In his work actively involved prominent scientists of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Kazan, to help in the organization of research institutions in the country.
In 1931, in Alma-Ata was carried out research activities in all seven research institutes on different branches of science. And in 1932, began its work base Kazakh Academy of Sciences of the USSR (in the same year was transformed into the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences) and the Kazakh branch of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Lenin, which was the basis for the formation of national scientific personnel. In April 1932, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was adopted a decree "On the Restructuring of Literary and Art Organisations", and this was the basis for the solution of problems in the study of cultural and historical values.
According to the approved resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the CEB from November 15, 1933 "On the centralization of research activities in the field of culture (history, language, literature, art, material culture, local history)," and for the further development of national culture, it was decided to
create a Kazakh Research Institute of National Culture at the Academic Committee of the CRC (F. 141, opis 1, 6562 the case). This decree stated that the new Research Institute is organized on the basis of the Central Archive of Kazakhstan, the Local History Museum, the State Library, the Office of Local History, the Research Institute of Pedagogy and the Department of KazPI, with the involvement of employees in the work of these institutions as having a direct relation to it.
To create in 1934 the Kazakh Research Institute of National Culture was the integration and coordination of all the research work in the field of national cultural development, synthesis and mixing in a single database of research results, the construction of the foundations of cultural policy in Kazakhstan.
This step of the Kazakh SSR approved the Kazakh intelligentsia, welcoming the emergence of a new research institute. In its structure were established sectors - History and Archaeology; literature and folklore; Linguistics (for the study of Kazakh, Uighur and Dungan languages); Fine Arts; music and choreography; theater and cinema. Here worked well-known scientists prominent Kazakh orientalist and statesman Sanjar Asfendiyarov; one of the founders of Kazakh linguistics, Turkologist, teacher, professor Hudaibergen Zhubanov; educator Konyrhozha Khodzhikov; a great writer, a classic of Kazakh literature Mukhtar Auezov; Turkologist, academician of the Kazakh SSR Ismet Kenesbay; one of the founders of Kazakh linguistics researcher Kazakh Philology Sarsen Amanzholov. During this period, created the first general works on the Kazakh linguistics and literary studies, which stood at the origins of Saken Seifullin, Ahmet Baitursynov and Hudaibergen Zhubanov [4, p.26].
At the same time the scientific activity of the department of political economy assistant KazPI in the future corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Sergali Tolybekov, a renowned expert in the field of linguistics, turcologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Maylen Balakay artists NG KHLUDOV, F. Bolkoev and others. The work was brought KNIINK corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, known iranoved MS Andreev [1, P.246].
The archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to save the document on the appointment of the Deputy Director of the Institute Batalov national culture (p. 141; opis 1, 6563 case). The following document - a decision for the number 339 on January 8, 1934 on the approval of the academic secretary S. Tolybekova KazNII national culture under the Academic Committee of the CRC (Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, p. 141; opis 1, dealing 6633) [3]. In the scientific activities of the Institute actively participated leader of the party "Alash" and member of the government "Alash Orda" Ahmet Baitursynov. Every assistance provided predsedatel CEC KazASSR Oraz Isaev, Commissioner of the People's Commissariat of Education of Kazakhstan Temirbek Zhurgenov and chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Monuments of History Seytkali Mendeshev. Among took an active part in the scientific life KazNIINK need Nazan names of famous Kazakh writers Beymbeta Mailin Sultanmakhmut Torajgyrov, Saken Seifullin
Moldagali Zholdybaeva [1, s.247]. Their work became the basis for the further successful development of the institution. Thus, even the first stage of history KazNIINK was very effective and fruitful for the Kazakh Scientific and Cultural Organization.
In the first years, the institute has done a considerable amount of work on the collection of Kazakh folklore, history and ethnography of the Kazakhs, organizing the data, development of scientific and theoretical basis and publicist, who has become a mainstay for the rapid growth of Kazakh patriotism [2, p.2].
Three years later, September 11, 1936 decision of the CEC KazASSR Kazakh Research Institute of National Culture joined the Kazakh branch of the USSR (Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Fund 30, an inventory of the case 5. 229, sheet 181) in order to consolidate and concentration of scientific forces of the republic in one place, it is quite possible that there was another reason, far from science. Everyone knows that in those years the Bolshevik regime intensified throughout ruthless conduct cleaning of the Party ranks, and Kazakh national intelligentsia became subject to repression under Art. 58 of the Criminal Code of the USSR ("enemies of the people"). And only at the time the scientific center of culture (KazNIINK) collaborated many of those who fell in the millstones "Red Terror" [1, s.247].
In 1939, the institute was disbanded, having created on its basis the Republican Centre of Folk Art. Under this name the institute worked as much as 35 years, until 1974. Later it was renamed again to the Republican scientific-methodical center of folk art and cultural and educational work. During these years, the institute added functionality in the task of cultural and educational propaganda assertion among young scientists Kazakh pro-Soviet sentiment in order to suppress the national consciousness of the people. However, the institute was able to neutralize this work and continued to be a leading research organization in the field of culture.
Therefore Institute vsretitsya Kazakhstan's independence in 1994 has once again changed its name, becoming the National Centre of Culture. In those difficult years for the country center also experienced serious difficulties. There was not enough funding, there were virtually no publication do not initiate new research projects [5, p.8].
Only in 1995, when Professor Murat Baltabaev spearheaded the team, and in its ranks came to work Sovetkazy Akatay, Murat Auezov, Askar Tokpanov, the institute was able to overcome the crisis. Scientists have made the return status "Research Institute" and in 1998 returned to the historical name - Kazakh Research Institute of Culture and Art.
And became a completely different perspective of the institute. Publications are now published almost every month, were purely scientific. Was launched several major research projects, worked on the study of the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the Kazakhs, who earlier in the Soviet period was carried out exclusively in the ideological way.
In 2005, another reorganization was carried out, and KazNIIKI was transformed into "Institute for Cultural Policy and Art." Resolution of the
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 30, 2012, "Institute of Cultural Policy and Art" and "Kazakh Research Institute for Cultural Heritage of Nomads" were combined. So there was a Kazakh Research Institute of Culture Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the State Register of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the original name of the Institute - Kazakh Research Institute of National Culture, which is registered under the same number as in the years of the establishment.
Since that time KazNIIK began to develop as a full-fledged research organization under the Ministry of Culture and Information, which created strong contacts and close cooperation.
Significant and responsible direction in activity KazNIIK in 2014 was the creation of the Project Concept cultural policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To solve the problem of preparation and discussion of the draft Concept of the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan was carried out comprehensive work, studied international experience, the main problems, ways of their decisions on the basis of the cluster approach, the development of institutions of patronage and sponsorship, public-private partnership. The long-term concept of cultural policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Institute, approved by Decree number 939 of November 4, 2014 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is designed and integrated program for the development of the sphere of culture in order to achieve the objectives set by the Head of State in his Address "Kazakhstan - 2050: The overarching goal, common interests, common future."
In the same year, the Institute has been successfully completed two research projects - "Conducting applied research on the study of history, archeology, ethnography, art and culture of nomads" and "integration vectors of Culture of Kazakhstan in the global cultural space and innovation processes in culture", in the results of which were organized and successfully held the international scientific-practical conference with the involvement of the scientific community of the leading research organizations in Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The projects were published two collective monographs: "Kazakhstan and the world space: cultural integration" and "Brief encyclopedia of historical place names of Kazakhstan."
KazNIIK team have been developed and approved by the Committee of Science MES RK research projects under the program of grant funding for 2015-2017, .:
1 "Traditional animalistic motifs in art and culture of the nomadic Kazakhs"
2 "National identity of the Kazakhs of Central Asia and Europe in the artifacts of the Intangible Cultural Heritage."
Intensive efforts to strengthen international ties with leading institutions in the field of culture, the creation of close contacts with representatives of all branches of culture in Kazakhstan and beyond. In 2014, the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture signed memoranda and agreements on cooperation with several foreign universities and institutes. Among them - unique library "Marciana" in Venice (Italy), which stores only the original copy of the great monuments of ancient
writing-Kipchak - "Codex Cumanicus"; Institute of Ancient Manuscripts them. St. Mesrop Mashtots; St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. IE Repin; Russian Institute of Art History. In the same year also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilev.
KazNIIK takes an active part in various prestigious international dialogue platforms, conferences and forums dedicated to the development of culture and art, thereby boosting integration in the international scientific and educational space. 18-19 November 2014 KazNIIK held International scientific-practical conference "Problems of studying the intangible heritage of Kazakhstan and Central Asia: toponymy, epigraphy, art" on the basis of the Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilev. 27-28 November 2014 the International scientific and practical conference "Trends and prospects of cultural integration", organized and conducted KazNIIK at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
February 24-25, 2015 in Almaty hosted an international conference "Almaty - Islamic Culture Capital 2015". The conference was held under the same name, under the auspices of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). The event was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Research Institute of Culture, the city administration of Almaty. Carrying out such a large-scale conference, attended by over a hundred reputable experts, politicians and scholars of the participating countries, members of the OIC, had a positive impact on the image of KazNIIK. But the main idea of the Conference was to help to bring together representatives of different political circles and professions in humanitarian progress of humanity, which can be achieved through dialogue between different cultures through equal and friendly relations, mutual understanding and trust.
In addition, the Institute took over the function of the organization of training courses, training and retraining of workers of culture. This work is very important in a lack of professional staff, and is a priority.
Currently KazNIIK is a complete scientific and research center, the walls of which are working well-known scientists, whose work contributes to the dynamic development of Kazakhstan science. Projects supervised institution aimed at further comprehensive study and development of culture and art in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Particular attention is paid to the history, art history, archeology, museum, library and archive business.
Thus, the intellectual resources and wonderful traditions Institute allow you to put it in the front ranks of the leading cultural institutions and do one of the key research and development organizations in the country.
1. On the question of the representation of the Institute for National Culture. History of activity from 1933 to 1936 .// Journal ARTeFAKT - Almaty, 2013. - S.246-250
2. J. gang About the Kazakh Institute of National Culture in 1934. // Herald KazNIIKI. 2002. №1.
3. Archive of the President of Kazakhstan, Fund 141, opis 1, delo 6552, 6562, 6563, 6633, 11792.
4. Proceedings of the Institute of the Kazakh national culture. Volume One. Kazakhstan edge publishing. Alma-Ata, 1935.
5. gang J. Monument of National History (To the history of the building of the city of Almaty) // Journal Otau. 1999, №1.